This is a compilation created by Trekkie John DiMarco (previously) of Spock finding things fascinating throughout the entirety of the Star Trek franchise, but predominately from the original series. Me? I wish I were Spock, because I don’t find anything fascinating anymore. Now almost everything is just disappointing or cool,
This is a video from GoPro counting down what they believe to be the 10 scariest moments captured by their products. Are they the same 10 I would have chosen? Of course not, but we all find different things scary. Me? Heights, AND THAT’S ALL. A list of all the
Compiled by music reviewer Todd in the Shadows (he may be a vampire) with the crowdsourced help of listeners, this is a supercut video featuring songs (with accompanying music videos) that stop (however briefly) when the artist says stop in the lyrics. It’s over a half hour long. That is
This is a compilation video of young Deccan demonstrating his extreme skill with a hockey stick and ball or puck, making a bunch of ridiculously impressive trick shots. Sadly, Deccan was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DND) at the age of 3, and could be in a wheelchair as young
Because who has time to watch a series in its entirety, this is 3 seconds from every episode of Breaking Bad. It cuts the series down from 60 hours to just 3 minutes. Granted it’s hard to follow what’s going on, but still, think of all the time I saved
Seen here pooping on a console as usual, this is another compilation video from Trekkie John DiMarcio (previously), this time featuring Data’s pet cat, Spot. That’s cool, but as someone who was born in space I happen to know firsthand that cats aren’t allowed on spaceships. They’re too much of
This is another compilation created by Trekkie and editor John DiMarco (previously), this time highlighting 40 years of various Star Trek characters saying ‘Engage!’. Oh you thought it was just Picard? Some fan you are. The Enterprise crew has been engaging since the original series! Probably in freaky deaky alien
This is a compilation video of cats working out. Or, in some cases, at least looking like they’re exercising. My cats? My cats don’t ever look like they’re exercising, except EXERCISING MY LAST NERVE. Just kidding, they’re perfect in every way. Except for the turds in the bathtub this morning.