Above: Producing an indigo colored plasma by radiating an indium alloy. This is a video of Youtuber/electrical mad scientist StyroPyro constructing and experimenting with a 20,000 watt microwave oven, roughly 20x more powerful than the one above your stove. It can fully cook a frozen Hot Pocket in 10 seconds,
This is a video of science lover James Orgill from Youtube channel The Action Lab popping balloons in the loudest and quietest rooms at 3M’s Innovation Center. The loudest room is a reverberation chamber (is that what Darth Vader hung out in?) that reflects maximum sound waves, while the quietest
This is a video of Youtuber NileRed producing Thioacetone, what’s considered the stinkiest chemical known to man, allegedly capable of making people puke and pass out. He produces the chemical on an island he rented to be far away from humanity, and, while he isn’t ultra-impressed with the smell (full
Because important scientific experiments take many different forms, this is a video of Youtuber HaerteRest packing a toilet bowl (and every other hole he could find) full with over 1,000 sparklers, then taking the toilet to the great outdoors to see what will happen when they’re all lit. SPOILER: it
Note: Volume ON, commentary is value-add (“Holy balls on a butt, and a fart, and a hol-y good snot.”) This is a video from Youtuber thebachelorsfridge experimenting to see if a sparkler will burn all the way through a raw egg he’s poked it in, and sealed the entry and
Note: Volume on, that head smack is so satisfying. This is a video of a man convinced the laws of physics don’t apply to him attempting to stand against the wall of a centrifugal Gravitron. Admittedly, he does a fairly decent job, and I know exactly what I’m going to
Ever wonder what a piano would sound like if its soundboard was completely submerged in water? Well you’re in luck, because Youtuber/piano sadist Mattias Krantz does just that in this video, which may also double as a long-form commercial for Flex Seal. The piano sounds completely different depending on whether
In ‘Hey, I was going to eat that!’ news, this is a video of Youtuber NileRed completely annihilating a hotdog in ‘piranha solution’, an incredibly volatile mixture of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide. The hotdog is quite literally vaporized, first reacting and turning to carbon, then that carbon turning to