This is a clip from the World Domino Collective 2023 hosted by the Dutch Domino Team of its 800,000 domino display finale being knocked over, a feat that took 16 minutes and set an amateur world record in the process. Wait, there are PROFESSIONAL domino world records? I chose the
This is a video of Youtuber TheDominoKing paying tribute to Pac-Man with three domino mazes inspired after the classic game, totaling 39,949 pieces. That’s impressive. Also, I like how he tiled the room with sound absorbing panels, presumable to muffle all the cursing so neighbors don’t call the cops when
Domino runs: it’s only the knocking them over part that’s fun. The setting up part is tedious and stressful, and usually (at least in my case) ends with a premature demolition and sadness. Built by LEGO builder Grant Davis using LEGO Technics parts, this machine will infinitely set up and
This is a video of the Guinness World Record longest domino wall crumbling. The wall, which measures a respectable 4-foot tall, 169-feet long, and contains 54,321 dominos, takes a full 90-seconds to fall from beginning to end. For reference, I don’t have a steady enough hand to build a domino
This is a series of Christmas themed domino displays set up and knocked down by domino fanatic Lily Hevesh. There was some pretty cute and clever pieces in there. I particularly enjoyed the zigzag knock-down of the Santa hat. It goes without saying, but I could never do this. Santa
This is a video of ‘Kapla construction expert’ Crouzier Benjamin and friends gloriously knocking over ‘Flower’, a megastructure consisting of about 35,000 Kapla blocks, 8,000 dominoes, and a whole bunch of popsicle sticks it took five builders over 3 days to erect, and about two minutes to knock down. It’s
Because learning to set things up and knock them down is an important school lesson, this is a video of New York’s Long Beach Middle School setting the world record for ‘Most Cereal Boxes Toppled in a Domino Fashion’ with a three cereal box wide line toppling 6,391 boxes in
This is a video of Mark Rober discussing and demonstrating the five-years-in-the-making robot he and his team built that’s capable of setting up a record-breaking 100,000 dominos in 24 hours. For reference, it takes an experienced team of seven a full week to set up the same number of dominos,