These are a couple videos of 101 sexagenarian skydivers (which sounds a lot wilder and sexier until you remember it’s just people over age 60) linking up to form a giant snowflake formation in the sky over California. The group jumped from five separate planes, and had less than a
Seemingly haven forgotten he’s not a paraglider, this is a video of a Brazilian kite surfer circling higher and higher into the sky on his way to Oz. That looks terrifying. Did he know what he was doing, or did he get caught in an updraft? How close was he
This is a video of rollerblader AIR DAMON performing a high speed basketball dunk off a ramp for some insanely high flying, ball slamming action. That was nuts. Also, they should totally start a rollerblading basketball league. Or maybe one already exists, I don’t know, I have bad ankles. I
This is a video of Red Bull skydiver Maja Kuczynska’s 2023 Indoor Skydiving Championship performance. The moves she makes in that tube — they’re unreal. It’s almost like the zero-gravity dance scene in Ready Player One. That is some serious mind and body control. For reference, nine times out of
This is a video of a skydiving instructor doing some downhill speedflying with a parachute (it appears more kite than parachute) when he crashes after performing a barrel roll and and is unable to recover. That is unfortunate, and I have the sneaking suspicion this is exactly what Peppy Hare
This is a video of a skydiver trying to remain as motionless as possible while she plummets towards earth, filmed upside-down so she appears to be falling up. She does a great job, especially considering the air resistance. That air can be RESISTANT. But nowhere near as resistant as my
This is the helmetcam footage of skier Owen Leeper causing and surviving a small avalanche, but getting clotheslined by some rocks on the way down the chute and dislocating his shoulder. As someone who’s never dislocated a shoulder before, I imagine that sucks, but it’s nowhere near as bad as
This is a Thrasher compilation of some of the best San Francisco hill bombs performed by skateboarder Sean Greene, runs that can only be described as entirely too steep and a bad idea. I like how with the speed he generates he can easily ollie over an entire crosswalk. Me?