This is a video of a striated frogfish (which looks like a character from Adventure Time) displaying its lure, a sort of natural fishing pole that can be extended from its “nose” and wiggle a very convincing worm-like appendage in front of it’s mouth to attract prey. Evolution is nuts.
Because nature is totally nuts, this is a video of a robotic spy fish infiltrating a millions-strong shoal of herring while they look for a place to lay and fertilize their eggs. The real fish constantly release flatulence from their swim bladders that sounds like clicking underwater, a behavior our
This is a visual comparison of increasingly larger fish, from the diminutive 1cm Paedocypris progenetica to the 30m blue whale. The video begins using a grasshopper for scale before moving to a bunny, and finally, humans. There are some big fish out there! Me? I’m neither the smallest nor the
Because nature is a trip, this is a video captured by SCUBA instructor Frida Yolotzin of a young rainbow tripod fish in the waters of Cozumel. After maturity, the fish relocates to the abyssal zone of the deep sea at depths of 0.5 – 3 miles, where it will be
In words I never thought I’d type news, this is a video of a robotic spy mudskipper infiltrating the mating ritual of the amphibious fish to catch the action up close and personal. Ahooga! The ritual begins with some flag (fin) raising displays, proceeds to a jumping (flopping) contest, and
This is a video of angler Andy Moore retelling the story of how he unknowingly discovered a 90-million year old fish fossil in the Missouri River during a fishing tournament. He’s very animated in his storytelling. Those waving arms (especially at 1:25) speak volumes. One about either being overexcited he’s
This is a video of the pain loving Mark Vins of Youtube channel Brave Wilderness purposefully stinging himself with an Australian stonefish to FEEL THE BURN. Mark says he made the video to help dispel a lot of the misinformation about stonefish stings. Namely, that the sting is almost certain
This is a clip from the BBC Earth/PBS series Big Pacific of David Attenborough narrating the efforts of a male white-spotted puffer fish as it creates an intricate mandala in the sand to attract a mate. The puffer works tirelessly with its fins 24 hours a day for a week