Because we’ll have failed as a species as far as 8-year old me is concerned if we don’t have Rosey the Robot maids by the end of my lifetime, Unitree Robotics has released a new video of the mass production model of its G1 humanoid robot, which should be available
This is a clip from the television series How It’s Made detailing how mannequins, marionnettes, crash test dummies, and other humanlike replicas are made. SPOILER: Not in any way that should make somebody want to have sex with them, yet you know it’s going to happen. It’s probably happening right
These is a video from harbinger of robotic doom Boston Dynamics unveiling their new ATLAS humanoid robot, which appears significantly less boxy than its predecessor, and with almost all its joints able to rotate 360-degrees so it can move like the possessed girl in The Exorcist. That’s nice, that’s something
This is a video of a Boston Dynamics ATLAS humanoid robot taking a break from unboxing and sorting shock absorbers to dance. The headless horseman of the apocalypse moves like it’s about to fall down at any second, but manages not to. Kind of like me when I’m drunk, except
This is a painful to watch video of an AI-powered Ameca robotic bust from Engineered Arts using a custom Chat GPT 3 model to attempt to tell a joke. It does an absolutely horrible job, and just gets stuck in some sort of progressive 2 + 2 addition loop. Math
This is a video highlighting the latest interation of the Tesla Bot, a 5’8″, 125-pound humanoid robot developed by the electric car giant. The robots are powered by the same AI as the driver assistance programming found in Tesla vehicles. Currently, the bots are capable of roaming untethered to explore
Seen here looking like it’s fleeing the scene of a bank robbery, this is a video of Boston Dynamics’ ATLAS humanoid robot demonstrating its latest capabilities in order to deliver a toolbag to a human coworker. In the clip, it picks up a board and makes a bridge for itself
Because it’s important to be able to differentiate a robot’s smile from a sneer, this is a video of Engineered Arts’ Ameca robot (previously) demonstrating its numerous facial expressions in a mirror. It’s relatively impressive I suppose, but the best facial expression in the whole video isn’t one of Ameca’s