This is a clip from ITV’s ‘Tipping Point’ gameshow where a contestant confuses Homer the ancient Greek poet (of Iliad and Odyssey fame) with Homer Simpson, the lazy, beer guzzling, donut eating father from The Simpsons. The look on the host’s face says it all. Hey, it happens. I mean
Note: A brief but loud colorful word. This is a video of a cat casually laying on a ledge and repeatedly turning the lights on and off, presumably to add an air of spookiness to celebrate Halloween. Or just be a jerk. Probably the latter. I mean it is a
This is a short video of some hunk exiting the sea in slow-motion Daniel Craig as James Bond style after a cliff dive and having his moment completely upstaged by the lady diving after him. *lifts perfect 10 scorecard over head, uses shoulder to wipe away tears of joy* Just
This is a short video from artist and creative director Pablo Rochat, who taped up a ‘Tired Of Being A Bird?’ flyer at the bottom of a pole in San Francisco and caught numerous pigeons tearing off the phone number tabs at the bottom. Now why on earth would you