This is a video of pastry chef and chocolatier Amaury Guichon (previously) constructing a massive screwdriver and screws entirely out of chocolate. Clearly, he is a master of the medium. Me? I am a master of the XL and, in some brands, 2XL. These chocolate reproductions are getting so good
Because I’m sure we all ate our fair share of Play-Doh in our youths, this is a video of artist Mong Sweets preparing a delicious looking 4-course meal entirely out of the modeling compound. Yum! Would I eat it? I still eat the fake rubber grapes every time I see
Because ideas come in all shapes, sizes, and practicality (this one ranks incredibly low in practicality), this is a video of Drew Dirksen testing the pool float he made entirely out of red Solo cups, super glue, and packing tape. Does it float? Yes. Can it support a child? Yes.
Want to impress Elsa from Frozen? This is a video demonstrating how to make a rose entirely out of snow (plus a stick or stem). It looks simple enough. Unfortunately, I tried it and mine looks less like a rose and more like a lumpy snowball on a stick. My
This is a video of chocolatier Amaury Guichon (previously) constructing an entire bar out of edible chocolate, complete with stools, faux wood paneling, marble countertop, and bar accessories. The bar was made as a promotion for Bailey’s Irish Cream. And you know how I feel about Bailey’s! “Actually, I don’t.”
Proof that if you eat enough chips, anything is possible (I’ve been telling my mom for years!), this is a video of Eric and Tony G of Youtube channel EMCproductions constructing a marching band style drum set out of empty Pringles cans. The cans were all cut to different lengths
This is a video of pastry chef and chocolatier Amaury Guichon (previously) making an incredibly intricate — and delicate — nautilus sculpture entirely from chocolate. Wow! The process is pretty fascinating, and includes layering chocolate on semi-inflated balloons to form semi-spherical shapes. I wonder how much time in total it
Because dream it and you can achieve it, this is a video of Willy Wonka’s son Amaury Guichon (previously) constructing a full-size foosball table entirely out of chocolate. As in, it’s ALL chocolate, from the legs to the poles to the players to the balls. He likely made the table