In a quest to make an infinity bubble, Youtuber Engineezy constructed a bubble machine that feeds a continuous supply of bubble formula (soap, water, lube, and baking soda) to a car-mounted bubble wand. For the lube, he uses veterinary J-Lube, which has some worthwhile reviews on Amazon. While he fails
This is an Instagram video of dad Mason Smith (aka thedadsocial) constructing a Power Wheels sized tow-behind camper for his two daughters. Man, that thing looks SWEET. Just needs a mini barbecue for cooking sliders and cocktail weenies. 2 hours, a couple sheets of plywood, a second hand $25 powerwheel
Constructed by Youtube channel HeroTech, this is a lightsaber that extends and retracts in a manner that looks convincingly like the real (fictional) thing. The blade extends thanks to a coiled sheet spring, the same tech that’s used in a magician’s magically extending cane. The result is quite impressive, and,
This is a video of Youtuber Kiara’s Workshop constructing a functional Pokéball in real life. Functional as in the top automatically opens and closes and it has a light and sound effects, not functional as in it can convert a monster’s mass into a form of energy small enough to
Built by Dutch artists Aat Dirks and Ad Lakerveld, the Pedaalbeest is a pedal-powered walking machine inspired by the kinetic wind-powered Strandbeests created by Theo Jansen. To move forward, you pedal backwards. Is it practical? Absolutely not. It’s still cool though. The way it moves — it reminds me of
Tired of being jump-scared by the ice maker in his freezer dropping fresh cubes in the middle of the night, Instagram user povsadventures stuffed a video camera in there to record the cube making process to better understand the spirits that haunt his ice chest. Me? I don’t even have
This is a video of musician Abraham Cupeiro playing the Cornu de Pompeii, a replica of a capital G shaped horn found in the ruins of Pompeii that he and María Ruíz reconstructed. It sounds like…sadness. Appropriate.
This is a clip from the television series How It’s Made detailing how mannequins, marionnettes, crash test dummies, and other humanlike replicas are made. SPOILER: Not in any way that should make somebody want to have sex with them, yet you know it’s going to happen. It’s probably happening right