This is a video of two fitness buffs demonstrating ‘a double front lever walk with a friend.’ That’s cool, I could do that. I mean, if I had a friend. And arm muscles. And a core that isn’t just chocolate fudge. Thanks to Erica, who agrees these guys must kill
This is a video of an extreme health and fitness enthusiast demonstrating his hardcore push-up routine, one that appears to incorporate all the physical energy I’d typically exert over the course of two to three weeks. Wow, I’m out of breath just watching. AND my wrists and ankles hurt. Not
This is a video of multidimensional movement artist iamnirvana777 performing a spinal wave dance from a forearm stand. So fluid — the amount of strength and muscle control that must involve! You know, I have dreams at night that I’m really good at walking on my hands and I can
This is a video of a cat presumably determined to intimidate dogs with its muscles performing a set of crunches at the gym while its owner films (and another cat walks by *sneezes* why are there so many cats in this gym?!). Nice form. I’m sure this cat will have
This is a video of three WWE wrestlers (including Ricochet) attempting to out-tug a 2.5-year old lion cub in a game of tug of war at the San Antonio Zoo. A zoo spokesperson said the tug-of-war activity is just one of many designed to help provide stimulation for its big
This is a video of Russian weightlifter Ruslan Jaguar (awesome name, I’m stealing it) no-hand squatting 100kg (220-pounds) while balancing on a balance board. I think it goes without saying, but CrossFit has really gotten out of hand. Also, how do I know those are real weights and not just
Because who doesn’t want to make some fleshy bread sandwiches, these are the cleverly packaged low-carb buns spotted by cosplayer Manna Chu at WuPaoChun Bakery in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Sure, rock-hard abs are cool and all, but I prefer my bread like my own stomach: soft and rolly. Also, I
Because there can be only one, this is a video of 13-time arm wrestling World Champion Irina Gladkaya (previously seen destroying challengers at Miami’s Muscle Beach) facing off against World Championship silver medalist, European Vice-Champion and US National Champion Aleksandra Ozerova in a battle of the biceps. I mean among