This is a short video from the US Open of a man returning to his seat with cocktails and trying to hand one to his wife when a man in the row behind them beats him to the punch, depositing a drink in her hand before he can. I wonder
PROTIP: Do not listen to at work if you like your current job. If you’re looking for a career change, go full volume. This is a video from a Renaissance Faire unlike any I’ve ever been to of a beer wench pouring a cold one down some poor peasant’s throat
Nature: it never ceases to amaze. This is a clip from the BBC’s ‘Life Story’ narrated by David Attenborough featuring the courtship practices of a flame bowerbird in Papua, New Guinea. Wow, it looks like a phoenix that’s risen from the ashes! How could you not be impressed? After first
This is a video from a Linlee Hand-Made Lemon Tea shop in China (I’m fairly certain — not Japan like the text on the video says) of a stuffed animal Pepe the Frog (used by protestors as a resistance symbol during the 2019 – 2020 Hong Kong protests, completely unrelated
In words I never thought I’d type news, this is a video of a robotic spy mudskipper infiltrating the mating ritual of the amphibious fish to catch the action up close and personal. Ahooga! The ritual begins with some flag (fin) raising displays, proceeds to a jumping (flopping) contest, and
Note: the website is a little wonky right now while it’s getting fixed, feel free to smack it with a hammer for me. This is a clip from BBC Earth narrated by the one and only David Attenborough highlighting bears furiously rubbing and grinding against trees to help shed their
This is a video highlighting pet bearded dragon Percy’s affection for one particular grey and peach colored Puma sock. Me? I don’t wear socks and my shoes always smell like garbage. TRUE STORY: One time in college they smelled so bad I stretched them out under the desk in front
Because there’s nothing quite like the thrill of 4 wheeling in a strip mall parking lot after dark, this is a video of a duo atop an ATV attempting a wheelie, but getting more than they bargained for. That bargain appearing to be some dual head-in-lap action. Yow yow! These