This is a video from the cabin of Ixonia, Wisconsin Amazon driver Alexander Evans’s truck when an Amtrak train cuts the vehicle in half right behind Alexander’s seat after crossing the tracks. This is why I always look both ways at train crossings, then turn around and go back home.
This is a video of a man from (I assume) a completely unlicensed tree removal service almost losing it all in his battle with a tree, and nearly taking his lady helper out with him. Things just keep getting worse! But you know what they say: when the Grim Reaper
This is a video of Derek Muller of Veritasium discussing the mechanics of extreme breath holding while athlete Brandon Birchak is submerged in a tank of water the entire time, holding his breath for an astonishing 17 minutes (the world record is 24 minutes, 37 seconds). Damn! Five seconds and
This is a video of a worker beneath one of those swinging pirate ship rides, apparently taking some sort of measurement that absolutely couldn’t be taken with an apparatus NOT held by hand and risking it all, with the pirate ship just grazing his head on both sides as it
This is a video of a man demolishing an old brick building in the rain (hardcore!) when the chimney falls on him, presumably because he demolished whatever was holding the chimney up. Obviously, there was cause and effect at play here. That’s an important thing to remember whenever you’re doing
This is the helmetcam footage of skier Owen Leeper causing and surviving a small avalanche, but getting clotheslined by some rocks on the way down the chute and dislocating his shoulder. As someone who’s never dislocated a shoulder before, I imagine that sucks, but it’s nowhere near as bad as
This is a video of a trucker impressively stopping his vehicle in very short order to avoid plowing into a terrible minivan driver, who apparently thought oncoming traffic had a stop sign, or is blind. I like how the truck driver gets out and throws his hands up in the
This is a video of a daredevil potentially thrilled about the prospect of getting to drink the rest of his meals threading the needle between two massive rock walls while leaping into the water below. I mean maybe this looked less sketchy from another angle, but I’ve got the distinct