These are a couple videos from psychologist Edgar Ciancio, who attached the business end of a garden hose to the cone of a subwoofer to vibrate the water coming out in sync with the sound waves produced. Pretty cool, and I can’t wait to demonstrate this at my next BBQ
This is a video of theoretical physicist Michio Kaku explaining string theory in just 60 seconds, which is unfortunately still 40-50 seconds longer than most people’s attention span. Did I learn something? Yes, but am I more confused now as a result? Also yes. That’s the price you pay for
This is a video of science lover James Orgill of The Action Lab wrapping a bitchin’ Nissan Altima in Musou Black Fabric Kiwami, a fabric that absorbs 99.9% of light that hits it. I WILL REFLECT NOTHING. Obviously, this is the perfect cover for getaway cars, provided you’re trying to
The same reason anybody else dances: because they’re wasted. Or you can read this recently published long-winded academic paper detailing the physics involved in dancing beer nuts. Basically, as the beer degasses the bubbles adhere to the nuts, lifting them to the surface, the bubbles pop, and the nuts sink
This is a video of science lover James Orgill from Youtube channel The Action Lab popping balloons in the loudest and quietest rooms at 3M’s Innovation Center. The loudest room is a reverberation chamber (is that what Darth Vader hung out in?) that reflects maximum sound waves, while the quietest
This is a video of GoPro Award recipient Emma Bryan being rewarded with a jet flight and a face melting 10G’s of acceleration. That means her body felt 10 times heavier than normal. If my body felt 10 times heavier than normal? I’d almost certainly form a black hole. Emma
This is a video of photographer and diver Ian Haggerty going about making an omelet just about the wrongest way possible and cracking an egg 12 meters (~39 feet) underwater to see the effect the water pressure will have on it. The results may surprise you! Especially if you expected
Captured by wildlife photographer Mark Smith, this is a video of an osprey exiting the ocean carrying a barracuda and flapping its ways back into the sky, having emerged from the sea victorious. I can’t even imagine how much energy is required to get airborne again after leaving the water