This is a chart of the ten Wikipedia articles that received the most page views in 2024. The results may or may not surprise you depending on how much you suspected people rely on Wikipedia for their political information. Honestly, I was more surprised that the search results page for
Because harebrained schemes are all the rage these days, a Texas high school teacher and Army veteran formally known as Dustin Ebey has legally changed his name to Literally Anybody Else and is running for president. Well, he’s got my vote! I mean, if I could vote. Stupid felonies. Some
This is some cleverly edited footage to make the North Korean military band (formally the Korean People’s Army State Merited Chorus and Symphony Orchestra) appear to play Rage Against The Machine’s 1992 protest banger ‘Killing In The Name’. The audio is actually pulled from a Rockin’ 1000 performance of the
Because even other gigantic assholes doesn’t want more asshole on their hands, this is a compilation video of Vladimir Putin getting snubbed while extending his hand out for handshakes. Can’t say I blame any of them, I wouldn’t shake hands with the turd either. Shoot, I wouldn’t even shake my
Developed by artist and speaker Dries Depoorter, The Flemish Scrollers is a machine learning system that watches live-streams of the Flemish government at work, detecting and identifying officials distracted by their phones (or scrolling on their phones — hence The Flemish Scrollers), and automatically uploads the footage to Twitter with
This is a video of long-time BBC journalist and political commentator Andrew Marr signing off The Andrew Marr Show (which he hosted for 16 years) for the last time with a heartfelt message and a quote from Anchorman. A solid choice. In his own words: “I have been wondering how
This is a video from MSNBC of host Craig Melvin preparing to cut to national security correspondent Ken Dilanian to discuss the presidential transition of power when Ken accidentally hangs up on the news control room, dropping a delightful “oh $#it” and “f**k”, unaware that his mic is still hot.