Proof that you’re never too old to break a bone, then do something to break it again, this is a video of 54-year old Tony Hawk performing his first kickflip since breaking his femur (aka thigh bone) in March. A true testament to the human spirit. Now I almost feel
After practicing hard all summer long, this is a video of a skateboarder performing a backflip and landing back on his board like he’s walking and chewing gum. That is to say, very easily. “Why is there gum in your hair?” I don’t wanna talk about it.
This is a video of Jack Black driving around Los Angeles trying to find skateboarders, then yelling at them to do a kickflip. Whether successful in their flippy kick or not, the skaters are rewarded with an exclusive signed Jack Black x The Berrics ‘Do A Kickflip!’ skate deck. Not
This is a video of skateboarder/fitness buff Mikey Mac O’Brien holding a 135lb barbell Zercher squat style and performing a kickflip. It’s also a paid partnership with Reign Total Body Fuel drinks. Hey, you should pay me too. Sure I might not be able to to do a 135lb kickflip,
Because you have to keep them guessing, this is a video of multi-discipline athlete Bob Reese performing a skateboard to bodyboard to diving trick in a mostly empty swimming pool. When I first started watching the video I just assumed he was going to hurt himself, so I definitely wasn’t
This is a video of a skateboarder attempting a a 360 flip off the sidewalk, but slipping the landing and his board flying out into the street, where a van grabs the board with a back tire and fails miserably to even do an ollie. Thankfully, the skateboarder manages to
Because when it rains, it pours, this is some security cam footage of a skateboarder attempting a kickflip and failing and losing a wheel in the process. Tony Hawk is not impressed. Then, after getting up and realizing he lost a wheel, he attempts to leap the curb on foot
This is a heartwarming video of a woman approaching a skateboarder after he’s repeatedly tried and failed to land a nightmare flip and offers some wonderful words of encouragement and positivity. How about that! No threatening to call the police or anything. What a beautiful soul. My soul? My soul