This is a short video of young feline Kittysh Catkovski walking across the keys of a piano and playing what sounds like the intro to Scott Joplin’s ragtime standard ‘The Entertainer’. And just when I thought there’s no way a cat could play the piano better than I can. What
This is a video of unorthodox entertainer Michael Rayner (aka brokenjuggler, previously seen here) rolling a hamburger around a Japanese style parasol until it sheds its burger wrapper and eventually launches its pickles into the parking lot. What a showman! Just don’t tell my girlfriend, she’d fight you for wasting
This is a video of 10-year old autistic birder Samuel Henderson performing a series of spot-on bird calls during a talent show at his Oklahoma City school. He just keeps going, with each call even more impressive than the last. I wouldn’t have even been able to stand up in
This is a video of pianist Lord Vinheteiro playing the piano via two old manual typewriters with their keys attached to the piano’s keys via string. That’s something. Now play All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Sometimes I wish I could play the piano. Nothing crazy,
This is a video of a pet umbrella cockatoo carefully listening to its owner’s very impressive beatboxing before it joins in the fray with some synchronized head bobbing and wing waving. Clearly, that bird knows how to party. The birds around here? They just try to dive-bomb my apartment windows
These are two videos of the world’s first successful frontside and backside 2160s (six full rotations) on a snowboard. The backside (rotating clockwise if you’re riding with your left foot forward) 2160 was accomplished by Japanese teen snowboarder Hiroto Ogiwara in 2023 (he was 16 at the time). The frontside
This is a video of a member of Malaysian dance group Budayawan performing a traditional Magunatip bamboo dance of the Murut people of Borneo, a former headhunter warrior tribe. It involves being blindfolded and dancing between bamboo poles that are constantly being clapped open and closed to the beat. It
These are several Instagram videos posted by Austin, Texas based wrestler Luigi Primo demonstrating his fighting prowess (including his signature Five A Pizzas Under A Heaven move) with pizza dough. Not gonna lie, he’s pretty good. Would I eat a pizza made with the dough he’s used to slap some