This is a video of a Cheetah family trying to make off with Scottish wildlife videographer Gordon Buchanan’s jacket. Gordon had been following the South African Cheetah family on foot and documenting their lives for the past year, so it makes sense to me why they’d want something to remember
I’m on my first vacation where I don’t have to write since before my time at Geekologie — so 15 years. Well, there was that 35 day stint in rehab too but we’re not counting that because it wasn’t exactly a vacation. I’ll be back first thing next week, but
Presumably inspired by the ease in which one can slip their foot into a Croc sandal (or possibly the Crocodile Mile I owned growing up), this is a short video captured by a Khurda district Indian Forest Service officer in one of the country’s national parks of a crocodile effortlessly
This is a short TikTok video of a crocodile at the Crocosaurus Cove zoo in Darwin, Australia just causally floating by visitors lazy river style. I suppose it’s nice to see somebody living the dream *stomping roach* even if it isn’t me. It’s weird, as an adult you never think