This is a short video of three cats frozen in battle over a dead bird on a rooftop. If they didn’t move at the end I would have assumed this was just a Renaissance painting. Love those things. Especially the tasteful nudes. Those alabaster boobs — painted almost as if
Because cats can understand everything and absolutely nothing at all simultaneously (see: Schrödinger’s cat), this is a video of tuxedo cat Mr. Peyton repeatedly getting startled and flinching every time a computer printer spits out a little more paper. And I don’t blame him, printers can be scary. Especially when
This is a terrifying video of a malfunctioning dental school practice robot that looks like it’ll bite off anything that comes near it. Obviously, had I been a dental school student and this happened on my day to practice a root canal, there’s no question I would be an accountant
This is a video from a supermarket where it appears something went horribly, horribly wrong with the plumbing and now there’s a hole in the floor actively spewing unhealthy looking water into the store. I’ve got the feeling there are about to be a lot of MANAGER’S SPECIAL stickers on