While remodeling a bathroom in his parent’s house, builder Tim King of TKing Construction in Lombard, Illinois found a Christmas present behind a wall. The gift was addressed to him, and was from 1978, when he was just 6 years old. He suspects the box fell between two walls in
This is a video highlighting the most popular album from each year 1960 – 2024 according to number of Spotify streams. I have certainly contributed to more than a few of these numbers. Women’s regretful relationships as well.
As a good riddance to 2023 *spits for dramatic effect, hits pant leg*, this is a 32-minute compilation of news bloopers from the year. There are some goodies in there. There are also some not-so-goodies. Still, it’s a great way to waste 30 minutes at the office like I just
2022 — what a year, am I right? It was certainly a lot of days. Most of which I probably should have just stayed in bed. 2023 — totally going to be my year though, I can feel it. Feels like an upset stomach. This is a compilation of news
Because what better way to pay than with nostalgia, this is the Blockbuster Membership Card skin for sale by Etsy seller OdocoCustoms for $8. Available in four styles (chip cutout only, name and # cutout, chip and name cutout, and no cutout at all), you’ll be the envy of everyone
Remember payphones? Feels like a hundred years ago, doesn’t it? Well it was, it was actually a hundred years ago when AT&T tore the last payphone off an outside wall at a 7-11, its phonebook stolen long before by hoodlums who burnt it in an alleyway. My God we’re old.
This is a 3D visualization comparing the size of the largest living versus extinct animals of the same species, with a human standing there for reference/to keep the predators’ attention. In almost all cases, there was a larger species that has since gone extinct. I mean, if you believe the
Have you ever wondered what the dial-up modem handshake sound LOOKS like? Just how high were you? Edibles? Maybe next time wait an hour before eating the rest. This is the dial-up modem sound presented in spectrogram form. Sure brings back memories, doesn’t it? MOM! MOM HANG UP THE PHONE.