Half-Life’s G-Man Remakes The Talking Heads ‘Once In A Lifetime’ Music Video

Half-Life's G-Man Remakes The Talking Heads 'Once In A Lifetime' Music Video

Presumably in his infinite down time waiting for the development of Half-Life 3, this is a video of Half-Life’s G-Man performing a shot-for-shot remake of the Talking Heads ‘One In A Lifetime’ music video. The video, which was actually created by Youtuber CoreyLaddo over the course of four months, is spot-on. So, if you were every hoping to see G-Man perform the Talking Heads’ ‘Once In A Lifetime’, congratulations, today is your lucky day. And, if you’re one of my coworkers and were hoping to see a selfie of me in my underwear playing video games that I meant to email my girlfriend as a joke but accidentally CC’d the entire marketing department, today is also your lucky day, just check your inbox. But please, no falling in love. I was once involved in love triangle that quickly escalated into a hexagon, then even quicker down to a single point sitting at home alone every weekend.

Keep going for the video, as well as the original for comparison.

Thanks to Joe Soap, who agrees as far as once in a lifetime events go, winning the lottery would be a great one.

Watching The Ball Inside A Pinball Machine, Up Close And In Slow Motion

Watching The Ball Inside A Pinball Machine, Up Close And In Slow Motion

Because who hasn’t ever dreamed of being a pinball, this is a video from the Slow Mo Guys of an up close and slow motion look at a ball inside a Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory pinball machine from Jersey Jack Pinball, along with explanations about how the various parts work. Now as a pinball wizard myself (I even owned a Twilight Zone machine many moons ago), a lot of people don’t realize just how heavy a steel pinball is, and how strong the flippers are and how durable all the parts have to be to stand up to the constant abuse. It’s kind of hard to believe they actually do. As a metaphor, we are those parts. And life, well, life is that pinball — constantly trying to test and break us. But we’re still here, aren’t we? There’s something to be said for that. Possibly about our resilience, but probably about our stubbornness. Low-five! “Why not high?” Broke my arm.

Exploding Stacks Of Paper With A 150 Ton Hydraulic Press

Exploding Stacks Of Paper With A 150 Ton Hydraulic Press

Because I was just going to doodle a bunch of nudie stick figures all over those pages anyways, this is a video from the Hydraulic Press Channel of several different stacks of paper exploding under a 150 ton hydraulic press’s incredible pressure. Me? I crumble under even the slightest pressure. “Hey, did you–” I did it, I stole your lunch from the break room fridge because I forgot my own and I was starving! I’m lying I didn’t forget my own I had just already eaten it and was still hungry. “What, what? I was going to ask if you replaced the printer cartridge.” I don’t even like egg salad and threw the other half away!

Bodybuilder Performs Human Flag With Another Guy Standing On Him

Bodybuilder Performs Human Flag With Another Guy Standing On Him

*flexing* You like what you see here? “Not really, no.” So you’re pro gun control, alright. This is a video of one hunk performing a human flag while another hunk stands on him. A little impressive, but I really would have liked to see that guy walk all the way down to the flag’s feet. Now that — that would have been worthy of a Youtube upvote. *tabulating score* 3 out of 5 protein shakes and one day’s meal prep.

Officially Licensed Back To The Future II Hoverboard Doormat

Officially Licensed Back To The Future II Hoverboard Doormat

Because who doesn’t want to pretend they’re stepping into the future when they get home instead of a cheap apartment with an ongoing roach problem, this is the $25 officially licensed Back To The Future II hoverboard doormat available from Firebox. Now granted I haven’t seen the movie in a few months, but I’m not sure they got the proportions quite right. I feel like it should be fatter. It’s crazy how when Back To The Future II came out in 1989 that everyone thought we’d really have hoverboards by 2015 because it was so far away. Now it’s five years in the past and we’re still nowhere near hoverboards. “It’s embarrassing.” I’m ashamed to show my face when I time travel to the future.

Self-Driving Roborace Car Starts, Immediately Crashes Into Wall

Self-Driving Roborace Car Starts, Immediately Crashes Into Wall

In Lightning McQueen is a lie news, here’s a video of Roborace (a new self-driving car race league) team SIT Acronis Autonomous’s car starting the Season Beta 1.1 race and wasting no time turning and driving straight into an inner wall. Clearly, you can’t force a car to race if it doesn’t want to. I mean some cars just want to sit on cinderblocks in the overgrown weeds of my neighbor’s yard and have beer bottles thrown at them, you know? You have to respect that.

Keep going for the video, as well as one of the car’s point of view.