This is another size comparison video from MetaBallStudios (previously), this time comparing the size of various mechas as viewed by a person standing at ground level. It was actually pretty awesome to watch since the mechas strutted around running into things and weren’t just standing still. Was I disappointed Krang’s
Back with another size comparison visualization, this is a video from MetaBallStudios (previously) comparing the sizes of numerous weapons from pop culture, from tiny rings and handguns to massive space station sized superweapons. Obviously, comparing a rifle directly to the Death Star would be like comparing apples to an orchard,
This is another size comparison video from MetaBallStudios (previously), this time comparing the size of various fictional planets found in popular culture from smallest to largest diameter. And also to things that actually exist in reality, like “New York City, Earth, the Earth’s moon, other planets in our solar system,
This is a visualization created by MetaBallStudios (previously) of various computer storage sizes (eg megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, and upward) if a single byte occupies a volume of one cubic millimeter (1mm3). Some more info while I try to estimate the total volume of my roommate’s horrible digital music collection if
This is a visualization created by MetaBallStudios (previously) of the size of various cities around the globe as measured by total urban area and not just “city proper (administrative) or metropolitan area.” There are some big-ass cities in the world! Honestly, I had a hard time even fathoming the size
This is a visualization created by MetaBallStudios comparing the sizes of the natural satellites that exist in our solar system, first using New York City as a size reference, then the entire earth. So — what moon is your favorite? “The Death Star.” That’s no moon! “LOL.” LOLOL. Hey let’s
This is a 3D visualization created by the folks at MetaBallStudios comparing the sizes of various fictional flying machines. It was fun enough to watch, but I’m more than a little upset they forgot to include my favorite fictional flyer of all time. “Rose from Titanic.” Ahahahahhaha, I showed this