This is an updated video of JK Keller’s selfie every day project, bringing us all the way to age 47. Damn, he’s more than twice as old at the end of the video than at the beginning. That really got me thinking. Mostly about how quickly time is passing and
This is a video of a dynamic bar graph detailing the most used instant messaging services as measured per monthly users from 1998 – 2024. God, I remember when AOL Instant Messenger was all there was. I am old. Before that we sent messages tied to a bird’s foot. So
This is a visualization from Global Data comparing the different sizes of Pixar characters (way to put that global data to good use!), starting with the diminutive 0.7″ Flik and ending with the giant 98′ 5.1″ whale from Finding Nemo. All the other characters are in-between. Did you know Mr.
This is a video of The Juilliard School small ensemble professor and jazz drummer Ulysses Owens Jr. (previously seen playing Nirvana’s ‘In Bloom’ on drums after hearing it once) and his band Generation Y performing its own rendition of Nirvana’s ‘Heart Shaped Box’ after listening to it for the first
These are charts of all the movies in the Star Wars saga (the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, and the sequel trilogy) detailing how much screentime each major character got. There’s also a chart at the very bottom with the characters’ screentimes across ALL the movies. I learned a lot
This is a little infographic created by VisualCapitalist detailing the 15 most websites visited in the world, measured in billions of visits per month. The results may surprise you. Just kidding, nothing really surprising here except there only being one adult site on the list. Also, I assume BornInSpace just
This is a chart detailing the countries with citizens that work the most 8-hour workdays per year. As you can see, Central and South American countries dominate the top three spots. I was surprised to see Costa Rica so high, I thought they were all about Pura Vida and hammocks.
Because bad ideas come in all danger levels, this is a video of professional freeride mountain biker Sam Pilgrim replacing his bike’s traditional wheels with giant circular saw blades to see how the bike rides. SPOILER: Surprisingly well. Granted, Sam is a professional cyclist and can probably handle a bike