This is a video from a Homer, Alaska based Scenic Bear Viewing tour of the guides demonstrating what to do when a bear charges. They stress you should NOT run, but rather make loud noises and stand your ground to discourage the bear from approaching any further. Apparently bears have
This is a clip from self-proclaimed messy stay-at-home-mom Alana properly cleaning a front-load washing machine, including the detachable plastic baffles. I’ve heard you were supposed to do this, but does anybody actually? My guess is only Alana, who I suspect is far less messy than she leads on. Still, I
This is a video of spiritual advisor, teacher of the elements, and Instagrammer Jesusthelivingsun demonstrating his ability to summon leaf tornadoes with some magical hand gestures and, in the second clip, a ninja sword. I believe in his powers too, because I’m rarely not waving my ninja sword around and
This is a video of 20-year old Instagram user smoothyoki_ explaining how he’s one of the richest people on the planet, and how you, too, can be so rich. You know, just not rich in material wealth. Haha, no, for that you’ll need to fleece a bunch of suckers online
Because there’s no quicker way to my girlfriend’s heart than fried potatoes, this is a video of Turkish chef Sihirli Lezzetler showing us all how to make fried potato roses. Basically, you cut a bunch of thin circular potato slices before wrapping them together in layers, peeling back the petals,
This is a video of Youtuber Island Vibe Cooking providing a copycat recipe for McDonald’s chicken nuggets. Weird, I didn’t see any pink slime in the recipe. I always assumed the recipe would just be 1) acquire bag of pink slime and 2) fry pink slime in the shape of
Want to impress Elsa from Frozen? This is a video demonstrating how to make a rose entirely out of snow (plus a stick or stem). It looks simple enough. Unfortunately, I tried it and mine looks less like a rose and more like a lumpy snowball on a stick. My
Because magic is everywhere, these are a couple videos of Japanese Youtuber Hoshizora Camping (turn captions on to follow along) constructing a ring to place around a metal secondary combustion stove that produces fire tornadoes with “woven” flames. How cool is that! Am I going to start a house fire