These are several surprisingly quality music videos created by Youtuber demonflyingfox, who “wants to show what’s possible with AI” by creating redneck themed songs and music videos based on popular franchises like Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Matrix, and Breaking Bad. They’re worth a watch. The
This is a visualization from Global Data comparing the different sizes of Pixar characters (way to put that global data to good use!), starting with the diminutive 0.7″ Flik and ending with the giant 98′ 5.1″ whale from Finding Nemo. All the other characters are in-between. Did you know Mr.
Because it’s reassuring to know somebody is putting AI to good use to better the planet, these are a couple scenes from Jurassic Park that have been edited with artificial intelligence to give the look they were filmed in portrait mode on an iPhone. It does have a certain look
These are charts of all the movies in the Star Wars saga (the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, and the sequel trilogy) detailing how much screentime each major character got. There’s also a chart at the very bottom with the characters’ screentimes across ALL the movies. I learned a lot
This is a video from a 40 Fingers concert of the band’s four guitarists performing the Star Wars theme and Imperial March on their instruments. 40 Fingers “specializes in fingerpicking technique, performing a diverse repertoire of original pieces and covers.” That’s cool, but do you think they’d change their name
These are a couple videos (including a POV version) of TikTok user aladdin_skylab taking to the skies aboard a real flying (falling) carpet, just like Aladdin in his self-titled movie! The carpet operates very similar to a wingsuit, and the effect is pretty spectacular. Am I going to launch myself
These are two size visualization videos from MetaBallStudio (previously) comparing the sizes of various monsters from popular movie, video game, and book franchises. The first is a side-scrolling comparison with all the monsters lined up, the second is a dynamic video of the monsters moving. Both begin with the diminutive
This is a little infographic created by Visual Capitalist detailing some of the popular comic and cartoon characters set to enter the public domain in the next 15 years. Looks like I’ve got five years to shoot, edit, and be ready to release my King Kong movie. “Have you already