Possibly in an effort to make all other boyfriends look bad (but probably just out of love), this is a video of Bryson McBee presenting his girlfriend Meg with the little video game he made her for her 25th birthday. It’s cute. So cute I hope my own girlfriend never
Constructed by engineer James Hobson of The Hacksmith, this is a functional replica of the Level 2 Sentry Turret seen in multiplayer first person shooter Team Fortress 2. The turret is built around two Nerf knock-off X-Shot Insanity Motorized Rage Fire guns capable of firing 200 darts/minute and has AI-powered
This is a mashup created by masher-upper of things eli_handle_b.wav (previously) featuring Tony Soprano in God Of War: Ragnarok. They work well together. The Sopranos was a good show. And God of War: Ragnarok was a good game, although I did nearly go crazy trying to defeat the Valkyrie Queen
This is an animated short from Toronto based filmmaker Mark Cannataro featuring iconic scenes from The Shining but with characters from Super Mario. Now make a feature length version, I’d watch it. PROTIP: thinking about the end of the shower scene from the the original movie is a great way
Because some people’s tolerance for creating uncomfortable situations knows no bounds, this is a video of Skyrim fan and TikTok user skooma_sippa speaking to strangers at the Jersey Shore entirely with quotes from NPCs in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Even I felt uncomfortable, and I’m just watching the video
Served at Grand Theft Auto IV’s Burger Shot, the Heart Stopper is a 6-pound, 40,000 calorie burger consisting of “7 luke-warm patties, cheese, lettuce, tomato, half a jar of mayonnaise, and pickles.” And Youtuber Babish Culinary University decided to recreate the deadly delicacy in real life. Just look at that
Because everyone has their own kink, this is a video of German hacker of things Aaron Christophel running DOOM on the video screen of an electronic male pleasure device. So these things have video screens now? That’s certainly…something. Something to seriously consider if you can only bring one electronic device
A collaboration between developer Tiny Bookshelf and artist ♡-𝚖𝚘𝚡, Super Moxio Bros is a browser-playable version (links to game, Chrome recommended) of Super Mario Bros level 1-1 with graphics created using typewriter art. Not to brag or anything, but I just managed to beat the whole level without dying once.