Note: SOUND ON. This is a clip of Instagram user vilalaseroficial using a powerful burning laser to clean the oxidation and tarnish off an old pendant crucifix. I saw Jesus move! The sounds it makes are equally miraculous. Per a commenter, “that’s the sound of the laser vaporizing a thin
This is a video of ice dancer Lewis Gibson and a partner performing a synchronized routine while wearing giant ice skate costumes. That’s…something. Something I wish I’d thought of earlier so those 300,000+ likes were mine! “Can you even skate?” CAN I EVEN SKATE? Of course I can skate! But
This is a video of ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor Gustavo Gosling of Rio de Janeiro demonstrating his exoskeletal legs, which provide a seat simply by squatting. That’s handy. Especially for surgeons and people like me who hate standing. Every chance I get and I’m sitting, and, if there’s
This is a clip from TikTok user Tara Henderson, who ordered a custom wedding guestbook from one of those online shops that make photo books with the photos you upload, but received somebody’s ‘Shoulder Meat’ book instead. What’s a Shoulder Meat book? Apparently a photo book of people with different
This is a video of Sean Hodgin’s latest iteration of his ‘Become Anyone’ project, which involves developing a face mask that could, potentially, replace your face with anybody else’s. In case you couldn’t tell by the screenshot, the project clearly has a long way to go, because that face is
This is a short video created by viral marketing firm Vertex CGI of Lady Liberty donning a ghost costume for Halloween. Is it supposed to provide social commentary about how the advancement of freedom, hope, and opportunity are dead? I don’t think so, I think it’s just supposed to be
In what I originally just assumed was a late April Fool’s joke, this is a video from Werther’s Original hyping their Werther’s Original Pocket Denim, jeans with a total of 30 riveted pockets up the legs for carrying their hard caramel candy. There are only 200 pairs of the limited
This is a short video of the Charlie Brown costume that recent mother Theresa (not Teresa) made for her young son, complete with drawn on eyebrows and hair curl. I knew it wasn’t the real Charlie Brown immediately though because the real Charlie is old enough to talk and try