After losing his left eye to cancer, machinist Brian Stanley decided to make lemonade and created a titanium prosthetic with an embedded adjustable color LED flashlight (controlled by waving an RFID ring in front of it) so he can illuminate the darkness wherever he goes (or look like a Terminator).
Developed by Shinichi Furuya and associates at the Sony Computer Science Laboratories in Tokyo, this exoskeletal hand was originally designed to help train the muscles of those with limited use of their digits. Well now they’ve discovered it can also help take accomplished pianists to the next level. Heck yeah,
This is a video of dancer Hittesh Patel demonstrating his skills with a couple very impressive tutting performances (tutting references King Tut, because the angular hand movements resemble the poses seen in ancient Egyptian stone reliefs). Now that is some serious coordination. I can’t even walk and chew gum. Pat
This is a video of Sean Hodgin’s latest iteration of his ‘Become Anyone’ project, which involves developing a face mask that could, potentially, replace your face with anybody else’s. In case you couldn’t tell by the screenshot, the project clearly has a long way to go, because that face is
This is a video from Slow Mo Guys Gav and Dan, who teamed up with funlovers Aussies Brett and Scott of How Ridiculous (when Youtube worlds collide!) to fire a bowling ball out of a cannon at 400MPH and directly into a realistic ballistics head, complete with skull. After watching
This is a deck of cards that, when properly stacked and treated like a flipbook, show a sort of CT style scan of the human body from front to back (available HERE in some sort of quarterly science mystery box). That’s cool. And while the cards have to be in
Because why not risk getting massaged to death, the Aescape is an AI powered massage table with two industrial robotic arms to work out all your knots. It has a touchscreen control panel so you can select specific areas to work on, and adjust the pressure and time allotted to
Because there’s a record for absolutely everything (presumably so everyone can hold one and feel they’re the best at something, possibly because nobody else thought to try), this is a video (which, with some added power chords, could double as a death metal music video) of Andrew Stanton setting a