This is a Tesla Cybertruck that somebody had wrapped in the dog (Kabosu) from the doge meme. I’ve seen it all now. We’re certainly headed in a direction, aren’t we? Sure the signs all say WRONG WAY, but we just keep driving, don’t we? “Technically the car is self-driving.” We
This is a video highlighting the record breaking number of technological implants that ‘biohacking magician’ Anastasia Synn has in her body. Implants include a bunch of magnets (those would certainly help with magic tricks), as well as chips (not potato) with various functions like opening doors, reading her temperature, and
This is a short video of a man showing his off dual (one would have just looked silly) frog knee tattoos, which he can make croak by flexing his legs. That’s cool, but it’s obviously not for everyone. You show up to a family cookout with these things and your
The River Rock Doormat is a very real $90 product that exists for sale on Amazon (affiliate link, because I know you’re all going to buy one) and isn’t just a one-off made by a neighbor who considers themselves crafty and has access to a free Saturday afternoon and hot
This is a popcorn-worthy hour long video from Youtuber Izzzyzzz recounting 30 of “the most interesting, bizarre, and crazy moments from the Brony fandom.” I found it…enlightening. Of course I already know about a lot of these because one of my recent roommates was a Brony. I can’t even begin
This list. There are more breakdowns HERE if you’re into data the same way I’m into falling asleep laying in the shower. As you can see, there’s been a noticeable trend in recent history to draw from names from the past, almost as if parents want to pretend their children
Did you the Balloon World Cup is a real thing that exists? That was news to me when I first started writing this article. Now I feel like I’ve known it forever. Or it was all a dream. Or this is all a mistake. Anyway, this is a video of
This is a video of a Houston Rockets fan (I didn’t know there were any left after their 17-55 season) demonstrating her ‘hack’ for deboning chicken wing flats without using her teeth like a normal person. Impressive I guess, but it looks a little tedious and the video is 33