Because Japan is so far ahead of the game I’m not sure we’re still playing the same sport, Tansan is a new Japanese canned beverage that forms a semi-solid gel in the stomach to help prevent hunger pangs for up to two hours. Would people in the US abuse these
In news that shouldn’t surprise anybody who’s ever wondered how Pepsi has managed to hang on this long tasting like carbonated ass, Dr. Pepper has surpassed the soda as America’s distant second favorite in 12-ounce cans. Coca-Cola remains in first place with 19.2% of the market share, and Dr. Pepper,
This is a video of Youtuber Flavor Lab discussing the ingredients in Red Bull, then attempting to create his own bathtub energy elixir. The drink is predominately flavored with the citrus oil he produces by soaking the peels of 4 oranges and 2 limes in sugar, but also includes some
This is a video from the town of São Lourenço do Bairro in Anadia, Portugal, featuring 600,000 gallons of red wine flowing downhill through the streets after two giant storage tanks at the Destilaria Levira winery burst open. Could you imagine if you’d been out for a leisurely stroll when
Because who doesn’t love an old fashioned recipe, this is a video of Max Miller of Tasting History brewing and trying switchel, a 19th century (that’s the 1800’s for everyone who failed history class as hard as I did) beverage made with water, apple cider vinegar, molasses and powdered ginger
Because nobody will suspect the person pushing a baby stroller to be getting ripped on cold ones hidden inside, Matt Thompson went and modded a baby stroller into the Beer-Me-Baby Stroller, complete with a doll on top to make the whole thing look convincing (plus the baby’s head doubles as
This is a video of a girl attempting to drink a Coke right after she drops a Mentos into it. She does not do a very good job. The Coke coming out her nose is great, but my favorite part is just how quiet she is, like her parents are
This is a news report about a bear in Earls Cove, British Columbia that, clearly inspired by Cocaine Bear, broke into a Jeep and proceeded to drink 69(!) out of the 72 sodas present there. I say drank but most likely it smashed the cans and licked up what it