This is a short clip of my Australian fantasy friends How Ridiculous flying a drone through a tractor tire as it’s speeding down a steep hill. Could I have done it? Given enough tries, absolutely. Just to be clear though, I’m not going to be the one responsible for hauling
This is a best-of (or, perhaps more accurately: most dangerous-of) video from speedrider (a gliding parachute + skis) Carl Weiseth featuring some of his most insane flights. That is not how I want to die. I don’t want to be poisoned either, so put away that vial. Not that you’d
This is a video from Michigan of an SUV with a new flatscreen television strapped to the roof rack with bungee cords, and that television desperately trying to take to the skies. Why they didn’t just put the seats down in the back of their car we’ll never know, but
This is a video of Youtuber ProjectAir constructing and testing what he believes to be the world’s largest RC rocket plane, a radio controlled balsa glider that gets an initial blast of propulsion from a giant model rocket engine. It works surprisingly well, and the first test flight goes off
This is a video of the host of travel site EYNTK demonstrating how he believes Aerosmith’s ‘Sweet Emotion’ lines up perfectly with the takeoff of most airplanes, from the moment of engine revving to wheels leaving earth. He claims the song works on 95% of the flights he’s taken, and
These are a couple clips of the latest iteration of the Jetson One personal electric VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) vehicle. Apparently they’re happy enough with its current state that the company will begin delivering to customers later this year ($128,000 — no pilot’s license required in the US!). Exciting
These are a couple videos (including a POV version) of TikTok user aladdin_skylab taking to the skies aboard a real flying (falling) carpet, just like Aladdin in his self-titled movie! The carpet operates very similar to a wingsuit, and the effect is pretty spectacular. Am I going to launch myself
This is a video captured by drone pilot liulangCooki from Mount Everest’s base camp to its 29,000-foot summit. The whole flight took approximately 43-minutes (with stops at various camps along the way), which was timelapsed down to just 4 minutes in the video below. That’s good, because I don’t have