Because scientists are an unending source of wild and crazy ideas, researchers at Cornell University and the University of Florence have developed a starfish shaped robot that’s controlled by the electrical signals generated by its onboard king oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus eryngii). I’m not going to lie, I did mistake those
This is a video from rainforest conservationist and TikTok user junglekeeper, who’s documenting his stay in the Amazon when leafcutter ants start cutting leaf-sized holes out of his tent, providing all the other terrifying insect wildlife easy access to climbing on his face. Talk about a nightmare. Personally, the only
As a sure sign of the end times with no other possible explanation, a swarm of dragonflies recently plagued Misquamicut State Beach in Rhode Island, sending some beachgoers fleeing. Presumably straight home to start bottling water before it turns to blood. Clearly, God is pissed. I also included a video
Because Japan is so far ahead of the game I’m not sure we’re still playing the same sport, Tansan is a new Japanese canned beverage that forms a semi-solid gel in the stomach to help prevent hunger pangs for up to two hours. Would people in the US abuse these
These are two size visualization videos from MetaBallStudio (previously) comparing the sizes of various monsters from popular movie, video game, and book franchises. The first is a side-scrolling comparison with all the monsters lined up, the second is a dynamic video of the monsters moving. Both begin with the diminutive
Surely something that you don’t see every day (unless you work at a zoo and are in charge of the anteaters — you hiring?), this is a video of a giant anteater helicoptering its tongue around to drink from a sprinkler. Now THAT’S a tongue! For reference, I can’t even
This is a video from Destin of Youtube channel Smarter Every Day detailing how cicadas are able to make such an ungodly racket, filming their noisemakers at 110,000FPS. Basically, male cicadas have special organs on the sides of their thorax called tymbals. When their muscles are flexed, the tymbals’ ribs
Because soon everything that shouldn’t be done, will be, this is a video of a manicure crafted by Tayler of Tayler-Made Nails featuring a different facial feature attached to each nail, so they make a complete face when the hand is closed. Those eyebrows look unruly. Could you imagine if