In the event you manage to get one of your lowly pawns all the way across the board in a game of chess, you have to promote it to another piece so it can continue to battle. Most commonly chosen is the queen on account of her maneuverability. And this
Police were recently dispatched to a shopping mall in Capalaba, Australia to retrieve 3-year old Ethan, who had crawled into a Hello Kitty claw machine via the prize shoot. Where were his parents when this was happening? My guess, if they parent anything like I uncle, is right there cheering
Because some people have all the fun (and hot dogs), this is a video of Pablo Rochat (who also made that awesome Hot Wheels hot dog launcher) and a friend playing a game of foosball on top of a grill, using roasting weenies for the players and an aluminum foil
Because what could possibly go wrong (or right) with reconnecting with an old flame over a bunch of shots, this is a video of three couples of former high school sweethearts playing truth or drink. It has it all: love, betrayal, disgusting spit cups. The entire thing was very awkward
This is a short video of a man attempting to punch one of those boxing arcade machines that measures how hard you can hit when he makes almost no contact with the bag, and his phone is ejected from his pocket, breaking a piece off on the ground. His score?
These are a couple videos of people who have attached cordless drills to the player rods of foosball tables and play with the press of a trigger instead of the flick of a wrist. It’s basically just a giant spinning mess. I’m sorry, but I have no tolerance for spinners,
This is a clip from Antiques Roadshow where a woman brought a full base set of original Pokemon cards her mom bought her in 1999 for $35. Their estimated value now? Between $5,000 and $10,000. That’s quite an appreciation, and I regret putting so many of those Pokemons between my
The BRUU Moving Beerpong Robot is a small, wheeled robot designed to hold six 16-oz Solo cups on top and randomly move around the table while you play beerpong, adding an increased level of difficulty to the game. Thankfully, it’s outfitted with sensors so it doesn’t fall off the table