These are several videos from the identical Cline Twins showing off their very impressive synchronized hockey stick and puck spinning and catching tricks. It’s like a combination of hockey and colorguard. I wish I could do this. I’d be a more popular at parties, that’s for sure. Because right now
This is a video of musician and clown Fuman playing percussion by bouncing his juggling batons off his drums and catching them, juggling and throwing another in time to keep up with the beat. Not bad, but can he also juggle two full-time jobs and still find time to play
This is ‘The Star Catcher,’ an orbit juggling (“orbiting” — aka ball-on-string juggling) routine choreographed and performed by Daniel Rosenfeldt in an old Swedish castle. So, if you were wondering if juggling routines had names now, the answer is yes. Joking aside, his routine really is impressive, and there’s no
This is a video of one-man band, unconvincing unicorn and Tik Tok user aaronpaulsen1 performing all the instrumentation for the intro of Rage Against The Machine’s ‘Killing In The Name Of’. I was skeptical at first, but he did a good job. As good a job as I could have
This is a worthwhile video from the International Jugglers’ Association (IJA) 2019 championships of juggler Zak McAllister’s winning individual performance, with a routine choreographed to ‘Love Like You’ from Steven Universe. He also took home the gold in the team competition with partner Delaney, which I included below as well
This is a video from Istanbul, Turkey of ice cream vendor Zekeriya demonstrating his skill at frustrating patrons by repeatedly tricking a man who came for ice cream from receiving said ice cream. In the man’s own words, who, yes, did hold a GoPro in his mouth for this video