This is a video of Japanese guitarist/composer/producer Masayoshi Takanaka performing jazz pianist Mal Waldron’s ‘Left Alone’ on a guitar that has a functional model train running around it. How about that! The train only goes around the outside of the body then stops and reverses though, it doesn’t actually cross
This is a video of musician Christian E. Boeger playing the ‘Les Pallet’ electric guitar he constructed out of a wooden shipping pallet. It sounds great. Is it practical? Absolutely not, but there’s never been a more appropriate guitar for smashing and setting ablaze at the end of a live
This is a video of pianist Lord Vinheteiro playing the piano via two old manual typewriters with their keys attached to the piano’s keys via string. That’s something. Now play All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Sometimes I wish I could play the piano. Nothing crazy,
This is a video of a small flashmob performing Nirvana’s 1991 banger of bangers ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ at a European railway station. Obviously, the woman who requests the song at the beginning is in on the mob, but the rest of the travelers at the station were not. As
This is a video of a custom nine-neck guitar produced by the Fender Custom Shop being played by three musicians simultaneously to perform Nena’s ’99 Luftballons’, with one guitarist sitting, one standing, and one standing on a chair. Granted, they each only play a single neck, so it’s unclear why
This is a video of The Juilliard School small ensemble professor and jazz drummer Ulysses Owens Jr. (previously seen playing Nirvana’s ‘In Bloom’ on drums after hearing it once) and his band Generation Y performing its own rendition of Nirvana’s ‘Heart Shaped Box’ after listening to it for the first
This is a video of guitarist Andrea Chiarini demonstrating how to play the guitar with a fishing reel. Just attach the reel to your instrument, and, one giant skull tattoo on the top of your head later, you just reel and fret! *reeling* I think I’ve got a big one!
These are two slow-motion videos of a cymbal’s vibration of the pins in a pin art toy after it’s been struck. Man, pin art toys used to be EVERYWHERE in the 90’s. But mostly at Spencer’s. People wouldn’t hesitate to pick one up off the shelf and push their face