As a reminder that life comes at you quick, this is compilation of children running into funhouse mirrors. Were valuable lessons learned? It’s hard to say. And what would those lessons have been? Looks can be deceiving? Or never dive head-first into the unknown? Or maybe it’s don’t trust your
This is a video of a married couple showing the results of attempting to paint each other’s portrait. The woman did a fair enough job of capturing her husband’s likeness, but his looks like somebody tried painting a yeti they saw while tripping on mushrooms. I imagine if I’d attempted
These are a couple clips from a recent NBA game between the Indiana Pacers and Los Angeles Lakers, where the Pacers used a filter to make Lakers fans on the jumbotron look like they were crying at the very end of the game with the Pacers up 19 points. Obviously,
This is a short video of TikTok user and middle school teacher LadyJackBlack discussing how she unknowingly dressed like Shrek for work (how could she not see that?) and multiple students let her know about it. “Where’s Donkey?” I imagine the kids snickering in the hallway. That’s the thing about
This is a delightful little compilation of people getting tricked by a haunted doll prank in which somebody manipulates a doll or stuffed animal with fishing line, much to the horror of their prankee. That lady who fell out of her chair and smashed a table and performed the sign
NOTE: TONS OF CURSING, SAILOR FAMILY. This is a video of a guy pranking his mom with a fake emergency broadcast he made warning viewers that a number of UFOs have been spotted above the United States. His mom falls for it hard, and immediately gets on the phone to
This is a video of two dudes cruising along a Tennessee highway, worried that the man they see hanging out the back of a box truck is going to fall, and hoping the driver takes the next exit to rescue him. Then they realize it’s just a giant graphic printed
This is a video of Kiana Breakspear riding a slingshot ride with her sister in Bali (there are slingshot rides in Bali? I assumed it was all picturesque beaches and not a carnival), and her sister managing to pass out a very respectable 12 TIMES in 2 minutes, always waking