This is a video of musician/skull collector Anthony Vincent performing an incredibly tasty cover of Nirvana’s 1991 banger of bangers ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ in the style of a Frank Sinatra song. Damn, Anthony has got a VOICE. Me? My singing has been likened to rocks in a garbage disposal.
This is a video of a small flashmob performing Nirvana’s 1991 banger of bangers ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ at a European railway station. Obviously, the woman who requests the song at the beginning is in on the mob, but the rest of the travelers at the station were not. As
This is a video of The Juilliard School small ensemble professor and jazz drummer Ulysses Owens Jr. (previously seen playing Nirvana’s ‘In Bloom’ on drums after hearing it once) and his band Generation Y performing its own rendition of Nirvana’s ‘Heart Shaped Box’ after listening to it for the first
Proof (albeit not definitive) that tasty jams are tasty no matter what language they’re performed in, this is a video from vocalist Ja Khole Thaisii, who teamed up with bardcore musician Stantough to perform Nirvana’s 1991 banger ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ with lyrics translated into classical Latin. It still hits.
This is a clip of The Juilliard School small ensemble professor and jazz drummer Ulysses Owens Jr. improvising drums for Nirvana’s ‘In Bloom’ after hearing the song for the first time. They provide him with a drumless cut of the song, and the rest is up to him. He does
Presumably after seeing the Super Mario 64 version of Radiohead’s In Rainbows go triple platinum gum wrapper, this is a video from Youtuber Something Is Real (is it though?) of Nirvana’s Nevermind album recreated using Super Mario 64’s soundfont. It was a good listen. Should have used Toad for the
This is a video of the entirely robotic One Hacker Band performing a rendition of Nirvana’s 1991 banger ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’. Even without watching the video, you can tell it’s a robot band playing it. It sounds robotic. Like I’ve often been accused of, it has no soul. Also,
This is a video of musician Vermilion performing his top 50 favorite Nirvana guitar riffs. He’s pretty good with that guitar, and if I were half as good I probably would have had a lot more luck with the ladies in my college dorm. Oh who am I kidding, there