This is a video of combination fireman/pizza chef Scott Brown (aka The Real Pizza Flipper) flipping a pizza on his paddle three times in a row, then flipping the pie back into the oven from a distance. Very impressive! Not so impressive? Whoever’s job it was to finish sweeping that
Happy Pi Day (3.14)! I’m going to have a berry cobbler for dessert tonight, which, while technically not pie, is my favorite and close enough, even if it is a rectangle. This is a video of some folks visually demonstrating pi using the pizza crust from one pizza and four
This is a video from animator Tomosteen featuring his character Mr. Bone (who appears to be a legless gorilla skeleton) preparing a pizza. The time that must have gone into making this is most impressive. That’s real dedication. And remember: you can’t spell dedication without dead. You catch my drift?
This is a short video of a dog playing an impromptu game of Guess That Flavor and trying to taste a pizza through the vent holes in its pizza box. Obviously, I would avoid eating those crusts to prevent any sort of dog butt bacterial infection. Oh who am I
Because pickles make everything better (according to my girlfriend, who will eat a whole jar of Kosher dill spears but gets angry at the sight of an olive), Pizza Hut is testing a new pickle-topped pizza in New York City. The pickle pie, which is actually Nashville hot chicken inspired,
Because frozen pizzas serve as the entire base of my personal food pyramid, this is a video tour inside a factory that makes my dinner standard. I already know what I’m having tonight! “Frozen pizza?” No, but only because I bought two new boxes of cereal on my lunch break
This is a video of 29-year old Cocco’s Pizza delivery guy Tyler of Delaware County, Pennsylvania (DelCo — which I’ve heard is not only a place but a way of life) helping put an end to a police pursuit by casually tripping the fleeing suspect as he runs by. Cocco’s
Because dream it, and, provided your dream is make the world’s largest pizza and you secured a partnership with Pizza Hut to donate all the ingredients, you can achieve it, this is a video of Youtuber Airrack making the world’s largest pizza. The pie measures 132 feet across and consists