Seen here doing her best Fantastic Ms. Fox impression, this is a clip of Richmond Wildlife Center executive director Melissa Stanley nursing an orphaned baby fox while wearing a fox mask so that the animal feels safe and doesn’t imprint on humans. That way it can later be released back into the wild. Hey, whatever works. Per Melissa:
She is progressing well. It’s important to make sure that the orphans that are raised in captivity do not become imprinted upon or habituated to humans. To prevent that, we minimize human sounds, create visual barriers, reduce handling, reduce multiple transfers amongst different facilities, and wear masks for the species.
When I was young and raised by bears they did NOT wear human masks, which was probably for the best. Thankfully, I was still able to reintegrate into the human world once I wandered out of the forest. I did have to promise to only buy Charmin and use it to toilet paper Goldilocks’s house whenever I’m in the neighborhood though.