This is a video of Josh and friends from Youtube channel FliteTest constructing a massive 15-foot Iron Giant out of FT Maker Foam (which they often use to make model aircraft). Man, that Iron Giant would look great in my…apartment parking space? He definitely wouldn’t fit inside, that’s for sure.
This is a video of Tom Scott visiting robotics company Engineered Arts to meet his robotic doppelganger. The resemblance is uncanny decent. Honestly, Tom seems more impressed than I was, but he probably isn’t a jaded a$$hole. Plus he got to see it in person, and it was actually made
In don’t you know staring isn’t polite news, this is a video demonstration of a humanoid robot being developed by Disney Research with the intention of building a robot with as life-like a human gaze as possible. Did they succeed? No clue, it’s so disturbing that I really have a
This is a video of Japan’s 59-foot tall Gundam robot during a movement test, successfully kneeling as well as walking a few steps. Apparently the footage has been sped up around 4X though, so he’s not exactly going to win any races. Still, I think we can all agree, this
Theis is a video of Sand Drawing Robot 2.0, a robot built by Ivan Miranda that crawls along the beach leaving pre-programmed text in its wake. It “uses 50 mini servos to doodle, two mini tanks to drive, and Arduino Mega controllers for its digital brains.” That’s cool. Obviously, if