This is a video demonstration of Cree Ossner’s Swish Machine, a massive outdoor Rube Goldberg machine that takes almost 3 minutes to run and starts and ends with the shooting of a basketball (plus has another in the middle!). Although the end shot is more of a roll into the
This is a video created by Youtuber Sprice Machines, who spent four months constructing a Rube Goldberg chain reaction machine that spans almost his entire home, all to deliver a single scoop of ice cream with chocolate syrup and sprinkles. Is this the easiest way to get a scoop of
Because dream it and you can achieve it (in this case through trial-and-error), this is a video of Joseph of Joseph’s Machines and his friends being fed a five course meal by a conveyor belt powered Rube Goldberg machine. It’s pretty awesome, and if I could be fed all my
Because doing things the hard, entirely too complicated way is the only way as far as I’m concerned, this is a video of a Rube Goldberg machine capable of setting up a romantic picnic for two. Or maybe more, heck, why not just make this a Roman orgy, we’ve already
This is a video of 37 different homemade chain reaction machines built by 37 different people played back-to-back so it appears that the ball is traveling from one machine to another like it’s all one giant Rube Goldberg machine. Some of those machines are CLEVER. Some of them less so.
This is a video of the Guinness World Record holder for largest Rube Goldberg machine, an entirely overcomplicated machine that takes four and a half minutes and 427 individual steps to turn on a light. For reference, I usually get the job in a single step by yelling, “Hey —
This is a video from Joseph Herscher of Joseph’s Machines, who’s taken a step beyond his previous peanut butter and jelly sandwich Rube Goldberg machine to develop one capable of making a pizza. Could you imagine if this is actually how pizzas were made? I’d spend a lot more time