This is HADARI, a short stop-motion pilot about a one-armed wooden samurai kicking ass, and, at least from what I saw, not bothering to take names. That’s how I like to do it too. He uses a number of different arm attachments to dispatch enemies in his way, who spray
Littering: it’s illegal in Japan. It’s also illegal here but you’d never guess it from all the McDonald’s bags blowing across the road like tumbleweeds. Enter Keisuke Nakagome and Yusuke Matsumoto, the litter collecting samurai of Shibuya, Japan. Every weekend they descend upon the city and flamboyantly collect litter with
Because dream it and you can achieve it, this is a video of Finnish artist Juho Könkkölä folding a single square piece of 68cm (~27-inch) “wafer-thin Wenzhou paper” into a 20cm (~8-inch) samurai warrior over the course of 50 hours (thankfully, the video is condensed to five minutes) with no
This is a video of samurai descendant Kaito Suiju, master of the Hisui school of battōjutsu and instructor at Hisui Tokyo, discussing and rating “the realism of katana sword scenes in movies, including skills of actors, the way they hold and train with the swords, as well as the choreography