This is a timelapse video from Youtuber Mieze Cat of their eight(!) feline companions following the sun from the windows throughout the day. I particularly liked the ones that tried to get in the little sliver of sun from the other window. What can I say, cats: they love laying
Because why should dogs get all the comfortable floor beds, the Plufl is a giant dog style bed designed for human use. The bed, which has already far exceeded its crowdfunding goal, costs $399 *spit-takes dog bowl water* and measures 68″ long, 38″ wide, and is constructed of orthopedic and
This is a video of a group of fun-loving bros pantomiming rowing a boat, using a two-man saw to cut down a tree, and starting a generator to the rhythm of their buddy’s loud snoring. Actually, there are two videos: one sped up (which is more fun to watch because
This is a video of some guy asleep behind the wheel of a parked car who’s woken up by his friends shaking the vehicle, and immediately grabs the wheel to avoid an unseen accident. Admittedly, a much better reaction than just closing your eyes and jerking the wheel in one
In if it fits, I sits news, this is a video of two cats who have turned their owner’s new plant shelves into bunk beds. I love bunk beds. Except when I roll out of them in the middle of the night. Also, you can’t really complain about your cats
This is a video from a man who was trying to give his recently spayed dog its prescribed sedative in a piece of hotdog when his other dog stole the wiener, unknowingly drugging itself in the process. The man called the vet to make sure the drug wasn’t going to
This is a rather unusual video of a woman walking past three horses posing as still as statues to another sleeping on the ground, which starts talking in its sleep after she whispers to it. It also does a little running in its sleep, like you’ve probably seen a dog
This is a visualization created by climate data scientist Neil Kaye using a world map to detail what percentage of the world’s population is asleep or awake at any given hour (assuming nightly 8 hour sleep periods). I learned a lot by looking at it. Mostly, that when the US