This is a video of a Singaporean foursome performing a choreographed indoor skydiving routine at the 2023 World Indoor Skydiving Championships, complete with a bunch of flips and twists and hand-holding and all sorts of other fun stuff. You know, I’ve always considered trying this indoor skydiving thing, but I’m
This is a video of the Black Widow dance crew performing a sort of choreographed kaleidoscope piece. It was really cool to watch, especially when I let my eyes unfocus a bit. I recommend you doing the same thing. I rarely recommend doing what I do, but in this case
San Francisco airport has two runways (28L and 28R, which at least to me stand for left and right like I label my shoes) 750-feet apart that run perfectly parallel to each other, at times leading to two planes landing at the same time in what looks like a performance
This is a video of a group of very talented youngsters performing an impressive synchronized basketball dribbling routine. It’s so impressive I almost thought it was CGI at first. For reference, when I was their age I could only dribble on myself. I also peed myself a lot too. Not
Presumably attempting to recreate Swan Lake, this is a video of a small army of lit drones gracefully dancing over the waters of a mountain lake, set to piano rendition of ‘O Holy Night’. As much as I do hate almost all robotic technology, I’ll admit this was very well
This is a video from a drone light show at Reunion Tower in downtown Dallas, Texas depicting a Pokemon card pack being opened, then Pikachu battling Charizard, all performed by 250 synchronized drones with integrated lights. That’s pretty impressive. I wonder how many residents called the news/police reporting aliens. This
This is a video of dancing duo Tuzelity Shuffle demonstrating their synchronization skills with a little stair dancing in front of a crowd gathered outside an IKEA store, presumably after stuffing their faces with Swedish meatballs and buying a bunch of furniture they’re going to fail to assemble properly. TRUE
These are several videos from the identical Cline Twins showing off their very impressive synchronized hockey stick and puck spinning and catching tricks. It’s like a combination of hockey and colorguard. I wish I could do this. I’d be a more popular at parties, that’s for sure. Because right now