This is a short video of a man showing his off dual (one would have just looked silly) frog knee tattoos, which he can make croak by flexing his legs. That’s cool, but it’s obviously not for everyone. You show up to a family cookout with these things and your
Because ‘I wonder what that would look like in ultra-slow motion’ is the name of the Slow Mo Guys’ very lucrative game, this is a video of tattoo guns doing their thing to transparent blocks of synthetic skin, filmed at 20,000 frames per second. It looks pretty much just how
This is a 60 Second Doc (plus another) video detailing the work of Sydney, Australia tattoo artist Jonny Hall, who produces tattoos with UV reactive elements. Jonny makes it clear he didn’t invent UV tattoos, but he’s known for adding UV elements to his realistic tattoos. I wonder how long
This is a video of Danny DeVito and daughter Lucy reacting to photos of people’s Danny DeVito tattoos. It probably goes without saying, but some are much better than others. Honestly, I had no idea so many people had Danny DeVito tattoos. It’s pretty wild to think that in any
These are several videos of flipbook style animations created by tattoo artist Phil Berge of Tatouage Royal in Montreal using still shots of tattoos that, when ordered sequentially stop-motion style, create movement. How about that! And how about all the people that were willing to get Snoopy or some other
This is a video following Instagram and TikTok user hardin_earl’s quest to give himself a new tattoo every day for thirty days after purchasing a tattoo gun on Amazon (note to self: buy tattoo gun on Amazon). Since completing this project, he’s now committed to giving himself a new tattoo
Competing a TikTok challenge to show off “the dumbest tattoo you’ve ever gotten,” this is a short video of 25-year old Leah Holland of Kentucky displaying the “Courageously and radically refuse to wear a mask” tattoo she got on her arm, in reference to the metaphorical masks we all wear