This is a video of dancer Hittesh Patel demonstrating his skills with a couple very impressive tutting performances (tutting references King Tut, because the angular hand movements resemble the poses seen in ancient Egyptian stone reliefs). Now that is some serious coordination. I can’t even walk and chew gum. Pat
This is a video of 10-year old autistic birder Samuel Henderson performing a series of spot-on bird calls during a talent show at his Oklahoma City school. He just keeps going, with each call even more impressive than the last. I wouldn’t have even been able to stand up in
These are several Instagram videos posted by Austin, Texas based wrestler Luigi Primo demonstrating his fighting prowess (including his signature Five A Pizzas Under A Heaven move) with pizza dough. Not gonna lie, he’s pretty good. Would I eat a pizza made with the dough he’s used to slap some
After sweeping the internet by storm with his ultra-casual approach to competitive shooting, this is a video of Yusuf Dikeç in action — action that helped him and female teammate Şevval İlayda Tarhan secure the silver medal in the 10m air pistol mixed team event. Yusuf rose to fame after
This is a video of a sushi chef demonstrating his insane knife skills by thinly slicing five avocado halves back-to-back with a technique that I can only describe as “Would end bloody if I tried it.” How does he do that? And, more importantly, how was he able to find
This is a video from Guinness World Records highlighting the life and purr of tabby cat Bella of Huntingdon, England, who was just awarded the record for the loudest purr, with a respectable 54.59 decibels. While it’s certainly not going to cause any hearing damage, that’s about as loud as
Because some people like to brag about how they have infinitely more balance than I do, this is a video of freestyle cyclist Fabio Wibmer riding down two sets of stairs backwards, balancing only on the front wheel. That’s impressive. Entirely impractical, but impressive. Still, if Fabio was your weed