Because the area doesn’t get enough darkness to fully appreciate fireworks on the 4th of July, residents of Glacier View, Alaska launch jalopies off a 300-foot cliff instead. Admittedly, that is a show I would attend. Some of those launches are nothing short of spectacular. I particularly liked the behind-the-scenes
This is a video of super sassy Grandma Smith riding her giant motorized bed around town. The bed was actually built on top of a specially modified go-kart (the second half of the video details its construction), and is driven from below by her grandson, Ross Smith. In the video,
Because who needs autonomous vehicles when we can trust our lives to rat taxis, these are a couple videos of rescue pet rats Kronk and Kuzko demonstrating their driving skills while being taught by their owners how to steer their own little cars. It appears the car has three buttons:
This is a compilation video from TikTok/Instagram user RCDriftTok highlighting his best drifting RC car tricks from the past year. There are some impressive feats in there, although they’re all very similar in execution (drift car, hit something with spoiler). Also, anything is possible if you try it a thousand
This is a compilation video of the reps of various car manufacturers providing the correct pronunciation of the brand so I can finally stop saying Porsche wrong. Boy is my face red! “And bloated.” I think I’m having an allergic reaction to something I ate. View this post on Instagram
This is some POV footage from a Tesla Model 3 that’s had contact microphones placed near its motors so you can hear it in all its whirly glory when the driver steps on the gas accelerator. It sounds like a spaceshi, and I know what spaceships sound like. “Because you
Inspired by The Q’s previously posted bicycle version, Sean Kerr and friends at Youtube channel Bikes And Beards decided to try building a motorcycle with a split back wheel. They do an okay job, but I’ve got the feeling they didn’t build the bike with the same precision engineering as
This is a video of a Goiás, Brazil police officer demonstrating how to exit a tight parallel parking spot without wasting any time. Of course this technique will only work if you have a front-wheel drive car with a manual transmission. Or you don’t care about damaging your car or