Captured in portrait mode by Dan Brown while hiking with his father near the head of Loch Fyne (home of the finest Loch Monster) in the Scottish Highlands, this is a video of a naturally occurring spinning ice disc. Per Wikipedia while I make a bowl of cereal with hot
In other freaky deaky natural phenomenon captured by drone camera news, this is a video of a waterfall in Ivins, Utah getting blown back over the top of the cliff by strong winds. That’s wild AND crazy, or ‘wrazy’ as I’ve unsuccessfully been trying to have catch on for years
This is a video from Thomas Edison’s motion picture studio of the first ever copyrighted film, The Blacksmith Shop, filmed by Edison’s assistant W.K.L. Dickson, and delivered to the Library of Congress for copyrighting in August of 1893. Granted it’s not a particularly exciting film, but historic nonetheless. Ah, August,
Because, despite the world burning, fall allegedly nears, here are a couple videos of the autumnal happy face planted by Hampton Lumber near mile marker 26 on Oregon State Route 18 while reforesting the area for future harvesting in 30-50 years. The face, which is made up of larch trees
How much stronger does duct tape make everyday objects? INFINITELY. And to test the tape’s strength-adding properties, the fun-loving Youtubers behind the Hydraulic Press Channel have created a video of everyday objects (including cans and plastic bottles, footballs, and a stack of Post-Its) getting crushed both in their natural state,
This is a video of DOOM being played inside of DOOM. What a time to be alive! Wait, am I? Hard to tell sometimes. I think so? Some details about just what the hell is going on and how to do it yourself: I have found a code execution exploit
This is a video of a headless statue in a graveyard that, from the right angle, appears to be a penis WITH a head. How about that! Schrödinger’s wiener. My dad sent me this by the way — clearly the man knows quality content when he sees it. Now you
Because elephants are far more kind and considerate that humans, this is a video of a pachyderm deftly picking up and returning a child’s shoe that was dropped inside its enclosure at a Chinese zoo. How about that! It’s given some grass for its trouble, which I’m sure was much