This is a video demonstration of Italian artist Amedeo Capelli’s ‘Macabra Orchestra’, a little wooden skeleton orchestra with movements powered by a hand-crank and delivered via a series of wires, hooks, and string. Would I pay to see a live performance? Absolutely. My girlfriend was just complaining I could use
This is a video of the Rockin’ 1000 performing Blur’s ‘Song 2’ in Paris. Do they do it justice? I don’t know, I feel like having ALL those instruments and voices performing simultaneously kind of washed the song out and left it without its original zest. Also, everybody looks really
Back with another song (and the addition of a robotic singing head), the One Hacker Band (previously seen performing ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’, still with Kirby trapped in the bass drum) makes its intentions known with a rendition of Tears for Fears’ ‘Everybody Wants To Rule The World’. Robots, it’s
This is a video of very talented musician Ichika Nito playing a superwide 14-string electric guitar. Now that — that is a lot of strings. Maybe not as many as a harp, but *casually strums harp in grand foyer of mansion* this is all a daydream. There’s no question Ichika
This is a video of musician Alex Melton reimagining Barenaked Ladies’ 1998 hit ‘One Week’ as a Blink-182 song. It’s pretty spot-on. As a matter of fact, I’m not convinced that isn’t Blink 182’s Mark Hoppus just wearing an Alex Melton costume. And even if it’s not, with all the
This is a video of harpist Naomi SV covering Simon & Garfunkel’s classic ‘The Sound Of Silence’ in a meadow when a deer comes to see what she’s doing. It then quickly returns to regular deer mode and jumps into the woods, startling Naomi in the process, who was previously
This is Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ covered in classical Latin (75 BC to 3rd Century AD) as arranged by Youtuber the_miracle_aligner with instrumentals by Sir Stantough and translation by AB. It’s not bad. Although I didn’t take Latin in high school so I’m not sure how the translation holds
This is a video of Youtuber Rachelf learning the play the electric guitar over the course of four years, as documented monthly with examples of her skill playing. I felt like she was a pretty quick learner and was already jamming by the end of her first year. By the