This is some security cam footage of a couple leaving their apartment when a possum falls from the second story. Surprise! I assume the possum was attempting to slip into their apartment right when they were leaving to raid their cabinets, but its stealthiness proved to be far from Mission
These are several videos of shoebill storks (obviously named because their bills look like shoes — ones you don’t want to put a foot in) bill-clattering and sounding like machine guns in the process. Man, those birds are nuts. Maybe not as crazy as my bird, but yes, I did
This is an animation created using several real satellite images captured by the DSCOVR spacecraft’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) and telescope as the moon transitions earth. The images were taken at a distance of approximately 1,000,000 miles from the planet and feature a glimpse of the far side (aka