So I was going to hire someone (I was thinking a trained monkey but we’ll see what the money allows) to start migrating some of my old Geekologie work (read: smut) over to BornInSpace so it can live on the internet forever (and ramp up the overall posts per day).
Presumably following a failed attempt to spice up their love life and do it somewhere dangerous, this is a video of a squirrel dangling from another squirrel hanging on for dear life to a home’s rain gutter. Dammit, you’re squirrels, just let it go. “Amen.” Thanks, Elsa! So yeah, when
This is a video of Sally the (silly) goose chasing a goat away from her friend Rose the Great Pyrenees, because that’s what friends are for. Except for my friends. My friends are apparently for coordinating their exit and leaving me with a hefty bar tab. “Our new goose Sally
In proof dogs are better than humans in absolutely every possibly way, this is a video of Dexter the boxer helping his blind puggle friend Ginger down the stairs. How sweet is that? For reference, my dogs always try to bite each other’s legs when they’re going down the stairs